• Ultima modifica September 20, 2022

Vinyl gloves? No thanks


Vinyl Gloves are made from PVC and phthalates. Phthalates are not very water-soluble chemical compounds, but they migrate very easily when they come into contact with fats and sometimes with alcoholic and dairy products. For this reason the use of vinyl gloves in the food industry is strongly discouraged due to the possibility of phthalate contamination.

Vinyl gloves are suitable for limited types of food. Reflexx has developed a line entirely dedicated to the FOOD industry that includes only nitrile gloves suitable for contact with all types of food.

It is important to remember that food-grade gloves are not only a basic hygienic device, but are among the FCM (Food Contact Material). The legislation requires that “the Materials and Objects intended to come into contact with food must be produced according to good manufacturing practices so that they do not transfer components to food products in such quantities as to: constitute a danger to human health; entail an unacceptable change in the composition of the food; lead to a deterioration of the organoleptic characteristics of foods ”.

All the subjects in the food chain (manufacturer, importer, distributor and end user) are required by law to verify and comply with the requirements of the legislation on FCM.

The people responsible for controlling the FCM should thoroughly check its suitability and also request statements and test results.

Contact us
For any need regarding the production, distribution and sale of our disposable gloves in latex, nitrile, polyethylene, vinyl and reusable, do not hesitate to contact us: we will be at your disposal with competence and professionalism.
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