Customer company and its needs

A service company in the North East with more than 1000 employees operating in construction sites throughout Northern Italy had the need to reduce the costs of consumables so that they could win some important cleaning tenders.

The recent increases in latex had led to increases in the cost of disposable latex gloves with dust of over 50%, obviously causing the purchase budgets to rise, which were already very expensive on these products.

Our solution

Un nostro rivenditore che copriva la zona, in collaborazione con il nostro Responsabile Vendite, ha campionato i nostri guanti in Vinile Monouso Stretch Reflexx 38 per valutare assieme all’impresa il possibile passaggio da latice a vinile.

La resistenza del prodotto Guanti in Vinile Monouso Stretch Reflexx 38 è stata ritenuta all’altezza dei lavori abituali compiuti dagli operatori e si è proceduto alla sostituzione in tutti i cantieri dal lattice al vinile con conseguente abbattimento importante dei costi relativi ai prodotti di consumo.

Benefits obtained

In addition to a clear reduction in costs that allowed the Services Company to win some important tenders, some operators, allergic to latex proteins, appreciated the choice of Reflexx 38 Vinyl Glove also for the total absence of latex and dust.

Contact us
For any need regarding the production, distribution and sale of our disposable gloves in latex, nitrile, polyethylene, vinyl and reusable, do not hesitate to contact us: we will be at your disposal with competence and professionalism.
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