Polyethylene Gloves


Polyethylene is also one of the most common and cheaper plastics. Often identified with the initials PE, it is a plastic with excellent chemical stability and therefore often used as an insulator and produced for films which are in contact with food (bags and foils). In the case of disposable gloves production is made by cutting and heat-sealing the film.

High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is stiffer and harder than low density Polyethylene and is used for gloves that require the lowest costs (see the use at petrol stations or department stores). Low density Polyethylene (LDPE – Low Density PE) is a more flexible material, less rigid and therefore used for gloves which require a greater sensitivity and softer welds as for example in the medical field. The CPE or Cast PE is a formulation of Polyethylenes that, thanks to a calendering, assumes the peculiar roughened finish that allows a higher sensitivity and grip.

Choose the Polyethylene Gloves best suited to your needs!

Contact us
For any need regarding the production, distribution and sale of our disposable gloves in latex, nitrile, polyethylene, vinyl and reusable, do not hesitate to contact us: we will be at your disposal with competence and professionalism.
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